Apply to Lead a Session at NASCO Institute 2024

The 2024 NASCO Institute theme is Mobilizing the Co-op Ecosystem. We'll be gathering in-person in Ann Arbor, Michigan from November 15-17, 2024.

At Institute, co-opers will be exploring how cooperatives are an organizing tool and an effective alternative housing model. We’ll engage with how co-ops can foster an ecosystem that meets the needs of large student housing co-ops, start up co-ops, and everyone in between. How do we share the value that living cooperatively can offer to those who need it? We know that being plugged into community in the home is a profound solution to housing instability and creating connectedness. Let’s strategize with each other to grow our movement and increase the resources we can all share.

At Institute, we’ll explore how networks can support our co-op ecosystem and the systematic opportunities we can advocate for to foster thriving cooperative communities.

We’re excited to uplift a variety of voices to steward this exploration. If you have a skill or practice to share, a discussion to start, or a movement-wide challenge to workshop, apply to lead a session! Diverse types of offerings are encouraged: slide presentations, art making, physical movement, facilitated discussion, guided reflection, tools from theater or dance, or other creative ways to engage fellow cooperators. We encourage anyone curious about presenting to apply.

We’re looking for sessions that explore:

  • mobilizing the co-op ecosystem:

    • What advocacy, lobbying, or organizing strategy is happening with co-ops and other solidarity economy initiatives on a local, state, national, and international level

    • Creative ways to fund co-ops from start up phase and beyond

    • Sharing Solidarity Economy practices co-ops are participating in

    • Explore how our movement intersects with other movements

    • Highlighting different types of alternative housing models and the different purposes they can serve

  • Canadian Cooperatives: seeking case studies and stories, workshops around challenges to the Canadian Co-op movement, and other ideas
  • cooperative fundamentals: facilitation, finance, labor systems, conflict resolution, kitchen management…
  • cooperative leadership: cooperative literacy, creativity and critical thinking, effective communication, unlearning anti-cooperative leadership…

  • the work of co-op staff and managers: organizational planning, fundraising, board education, work-life balance, human resources…

  • cooperation among cooperatives: how co-ops work together to create cooperative ecosystems, in any sector or across sectors (including housing co-ops, worker co-ops, consumer co-ops, producer co-ops…)

If you have an idea that doesn’t seem to fit in one of these categories, we’d love to hear it, as well. We welcome questions at or (773)404-2667

Presenters receive complimentary registration for NASCO Institute.

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, with the early bird deadline of Wednesday, July 31st 2024.


Presenter Info
Session Proposal
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