Our Members

Our strength lies in our members.

We have nearly 35 co-op members, representing about 3,500 cooperators across the continent. Browse our membership directory below.

If you're interested in becoming the newest dot on this map (aka newest NASCO member), click here to learn more! 



Nickel City Housing Co-op 126 Fargo Avenue Buffalo, 14201 info@nickelcitycoop.org https://nickelcitycoop.org/
Berkeley Student Cooperative (BSC) 2424 Ridge Rd. Berkeley, CA 94709 president@bsc.coop http://bsc.coop
Queen City Cooperative 901 N Clarkson St. Denver, CO 80218 residents@queencitycooperative.org http://queencitycooperative.org
Boulder Housing Coalition 901 North Clarkson Street Denver, CO 80218 staff@boulderhousingcoalition.org http://boulderhousingcoalition.org/
Ella Jo Baker Intentional Community Cooperative 2548 University Place NW Washington, DC 20009 ejbiccrc@gmail.com
Qumbya 5225 S Blackstone Ave Chicago, IL 60615 qumbya.board@nasco.coop https://qumbya.com/
COUCH 505 W Green St Urbana, IL 61801 couchcoopboard@gmail.com http://www.couchcooperative.org/
Stone Soup Cooperative 1430 West Leland Avenue Chicago, IL 60640 hoyne.house@gmail.com
Bloomington Cooperative Living 404 W Kirkwood Avenue Bloomington, IN 47404 bcl@bloomingtoncooperative.org https://bloomingtoncooperative.org/
People's Owned and Operated Collective Housing (POOCH) 1406 Tennessee St Lawrence, KS 66044 kdennett@peopleshousing.org https://www.peopleshousing.org/
Heathcote Community 21300 Heathcote Rd. Freeland, MD 21053 info@heathcote.org http://www.Heathcote.org
Horizontal Housing 3515 Ash Street Baltimore, MD 21211 hh@baltimorefreefarm.org http://www.baltimorefreefarm.org/horizontal-housing-co/
Red Clover Collective 603 E 30th St Baltimore, MD 21218 redclovercollective@gmail.com http://redclovercollective.org/
ICC Ann Arbor 337 East William Street Ann Arbor, MI 48104 gm@icc.coop https://www.icc.coop
Kalamazoo Collective Housing 315 W Michigan Ave KALAMAZOO, MI 49007 board.list@kalamazoo.coop http://www.kalamazoo.coop/
Gotham Detroit 4241 Waverly Street Detroit, MI 48238 wearegothamdetroit@gmail.com
Students' Cooperative 1721 University Ave Se Minneapolis, MN 55414 studentscoopinc@gmail.com
Acorn Housing Cooperative 306 Saint Olaf Ave Northfield, MN 55057 acornhousingcoop@gmail.com
Stewart Little Coop 211 Stewart Avenue Ithaca, NY 14850 vrk24@cornell.edu http://stewartlittle.org/
Student Cooperative Organization (SCO) 173 N Lancaster St Athens, OH 45701 athensfirehousecoop@gmail.com
Students' Cooperative Association 1648 Alder St Eugene, OR 97401 scaoffice.admin@gmail.com https://eugenesca.com/
The Solar System Cooperative Pittsburgh, PA solarsystemcoop@protonmail.com
Central Pennsylvania Community Housing (Houseasaurus) 527 W. Beaver Ave State College, PA 16801 houseasaurustreasurer@gmail.com https://houseasaurus.github.io/
Houston Access to Urban Sustainability Project (HAUS) 1505 Rosalie St. Houston, TX 77004 liquis@gmail.com http://www.hausproject.org
Sherwood Coöperative 4746 18th Avenue Northeast Seattle, WA 98105 sherwoodcooperative@gmail.com https://www.sherwoodstudenthousingcooperative.org/
Rejenerate Housing Cooperative 915 Jenifer Street Madison, WI 53703 cbrklug@gmail.com https://www.rejeneratecoop.org/