Greetings from the New Economy: Just, Sustainable Communities Can Replace Capitalism - NASCO Institute 2014

Session materials from "Greetings from the New Economy: Just, Sustainable Communities Can Replace Capitalism," which was led by Rachel Plattus, Esteban Kelly, and Mike Sandmel (New Economy Coalition) at NASCO Institute 2014.


For the majority of people, the old economy isn’t working. Capitalist extraction poisons our water, air, and land while concentrating power in the hands of a few. Throughout North America, communities are creating a new economy that puts people, place, and the planet first by weaving economic democracy into new structures and practices. The New Economy scales up existing practices like localism, the commons, and the cooperative economy while building new institutions. This introductory session demystifies the internal logics of the capitalist economy, lays out the principles of a just transition to a New Economy, and tours through inspiring examples.