Submit a Proposal for NASCO's Annual General Membership Meeting

NASCO is soliciting proposals for our 2024 Annual General Meeting!

NASCO is a grassroots membership organization. We value and rely upon the input of our Members to ensure that we are meeting your needs.

Each year, NASCO holds an Annual General Meeting (AGM) where Members can propose and make changes to NASCO's Articles and Bylaws, vote to elect an Active Member Representative to the board, and hear a report back on the year's activities.

We have provided the following webform to improve accessibility for Members to submit proposals.

Proposals will be accepted through September 15, 2024.

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AGM Proposal

Please scroll through and read the following policy excerpts about the AGM before clicking the Submit button below.

From NASCO's Bylaws:

Article IV: Meetings of the Organization

4.1 The Annual Meeting of the organization shall be held in the Fall of each year at a time and place to be determined by the Board of Directors.
4.2 Special meetings may be called by the Board of Directors. A special meeting shall be called within 28 days of receipt of a petition signed by one-third of the Active Members calling for the same.
4.3 Notice of annual or special meetings must be mailed or published in a regular member publication at least 14 days prior to the meeting.
4.4 Quorum shall be twenty-five (25) persons or persons representing ten (10%) percent of the potential ballots, whichever is smaller. Proxy voting is not allowed. A majority of the ballots cast shall be sufficient to decide any question before the meeting.

From NASCO's Policies:

2.4 Annual General Meeting (AGM)

2.4.1 Definition:
2.4.1.a The AGM shall consist of representatives from all of NASCO’s Active Members. The purpose of the AGM is to provide a forum for exchange of ideas between NASCO and its members and to vote on corporate business, making binding decisions.

2.4.2 AGM Timing & Location:
2.4.2.a The AGM will coincide with the NASCO Institute each Fall.

2.4.3 Agenda:
2.4.3.a The agenda and the agenda items for the AGM must be approved by the Board no later than 30 days before the meeting so as to allow for adequate notice of NASCO's members.

2.4.4 New Business:
2.4.4.a New business to be transacted at a General Meeting must be submitted in writing to the board at least 45 days before the meeting to be considered for the agenda. All new business must be sponsored by a NASCO member, board member, or a caucus (2/08)

2.4.5 Representatives to the AGM:
2.4.5.a Each Active Member Co-op and Associate Member shall designate one (1) Representative to the Annual General Meeting who will cast votes on behalf of the organization. Individual Members of NASCO shall act as their own representatives. Designation of Representatives: At least one week before the AGM, each Active and Associate member shall, on a form provided by NASCO, provide NASCO the name and address of their designated Representative. Voting: All duly authorized representatives shall have voting rights as per Article 3.5 of the NASCO Bylaws. The number of ballots to be cast will be determined according to a list maintained at the NASCO Office. The voting representatives at an AGM shall have the ability to refer any bylaw change decision to the Post AGM Online Consideration and Voting Procedure via a two thirds majority of unweighted votes in favor of the referral. (2/19/05) Fees & Expenses of Representatives: NASCO’s Active Members may designate one person to act as their AGM representative. This AGM representative shall receive a discount on registration for the Institute (an amount set by the Board of Directors from time to time). Individual Members or Representatives designated by Associate Members may participate in the Institute according to a fee schedule established by the Board (6/04).

2.4.6 Active Member Representative (AMR):
2.4.6.a The designated representatives of NASCO’s Active Members present at the AGM will vote for the AMR. As per NASCO’s Bylaws, only Active Member co-ops may vote for the AMR, and voting occurs on the basis of one vote per Active Member cooperative.
2.4.6.b The AMR shall attempt to attend NASCO Board meetings. This person will be reimbursed for travel to these meetings in the same manner as all Board members.
2.4.6.c The AMR’s travel to the Institute shall be considered a third Board meeting for the purposes of travel reimbursement.
2.4.6.d AMR Job Description: The job description appearing in the appendices of this document shall be the job description for the AMR.

2.4.7 Diversity Congress
2.4.7.a The diversity congress will serve identity caucuses that have established themselves at NASCO, such as the People of Color Caucus, Queer Caucus, Community Co-op (or non-student) Caucus, (Women’s Caucus?). (should we have a system for approving new caucuses? We could have original members approve future members?)
2.4.7.b A board member will be present at the beginning of each identity caucus to give a basic introduction about the purpose of a caucus and to make sure each caucus knows that they can put a proposal on the agenda of the Diversity Congress. Each caucus will be given a handout that describes the purpose of the Diversity Congress. After the introduction, the board member won’t stay at the caucus meeting, unless they identifies with the caucus.
2.4.7.c Caucus meetings will be held during NASCO Institute at a time determined to be most accessible based on feedback from previous years. Caucuses will choose how to use their time, but should elect a chair, and other officers if needed. They should choose two (three?) people to attend the Diversity Congress. It should be clear that they can put an item on the Diversity Congress agenda for discussion or a more specific proposal for discussion. (4/2021)
2.4.7.d The Diversity Congress will be a working group rather than an open forum or discussion. The Congress will share concerns, discuss solutions, and plan action steps on bringing issues to the NASCO Board and/or the AGM. The People of Color Caucus Chair, the AMR, and the Vice-President (all who are board members) will be responsible for coordinating the collecting the proposed items for the agenda from the caucuses, for facilitating the Diversity Congress, and for following up on the issues in the meeting with the NASCO Board and the caucuses.
2.4.7.e Only the board members specified will attend the Diversity Congress.
2.4.7.f Diversity Congress attendees: The outgoing and incoming PoCC chairpeople, the outgoing AMR, and one additional board member who identifies as a member of an applicable caucus should attend the Diversity Congress. (6/05)
2.4.7.g General Diversity forum: The Diversity Congress task force will work with the VP to create an open forum for the general membership on the topic of diversity. (6/05)

2.4.8 Inclusion Task Force:
2.4.8.a The Inclusion Task Force will include the VP, PoCC chair, Diversity Congress representative, and AMR. (6/05)

2.4.9 ICOPPO:

2.4.9.a The Inclusion Task Force will be responsible for clarifying and ultimately implementing ICCOPO [AS DEFINED IN STEVIE’S ICOPPO PAPER]. (6/05)

2.4.10 Nominations Committee:
2.4.10.a At the Annual General Meeting each year, the membership will elect a chair and co-chair of the annual Nominations Committee. The Nominations Committee shall,
2.4.10.b be made up of NASCO board members and members of NASCO members and be open to all NASCO Family board members,
2.4.10.c be engaged at Institute each November for activity through June the following year,
2.4.10.d be charged with working with a staff liaison to establish a timeline and action plan for the spring general NASCO Board election and Hall of Fame nominations and selection,
2.4.10.e be a resource and point of contact for people interested on being on the NASCO Board,
2.4.10.f other duties as determined or approved by the Committee, and
2.4.10.g report and be accountable to the NASCO Board of Directors. (06/12)