Co-op Details

We are an affordable, community-oriented, group-equity housing cooperative on the South Side of Chicago. Qumbya currently comprises about 70 members in four houses: Bowers, Concord, Haymarket, & Wells. We have been building democratic community since 1988.
Each House provides private bedrooms, community kitchen, dining, living, and bathrooms. Dinner (or brunch) is prepared by the members seven days a week, and the kitchen’s are always fully stocked. All decisions about the operations of the House, from what appliances to buy to which new members to admit, are made by the residents at weekly House Meetings through a democratic process. Each house has wireless internet, garden space, curious histories, work/tool rooms, and lots of friendly folks.
Qumbya Housing Cooperative exists as a not-for- profit housing organization whose primary purposes include providing affordable, cooperatively-run community housing to residents of the South Side of Chicago, Illinois; educating the community about cooperative living, environmentally sound living practices and other related subjects; and encouraging the development of other cooperative houses on the South Side, as well as develop relationships with other cooperatives existing in Chicago.
$450-650 (not including utilities)
$180-205 (food, utilities)
2-4 hours a week
Approximately all meals