Co-op Details

Welcome to the East River Co-op, located on the University of Minnesota East Bank campus! We are a housing cooperative comprised of both student and non-student members. We share a big kitchen, large common spaces, a few bathrooms, and a garden. We hold in common respect: each other, those who may seem different from ourselves and the natural world.
Built in 1908, the Students’ Cooperative building is a contributing property to the Fraternity Row Historic District and is the second oldest chapter house remaining on University Avenue at the University of Minnesota. Psi Upsilon Fraternity originally commissioned and inhabited the house. The building was converted into a housing cooperative in the early 1940s and has been that way ever since.
We are an intentional community based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. We share labor, resources, and knowledge to dismantle oppressive systems and create a safe and supportive home.
Maintenance: 12 hours per semester. Chores: 45 minutes per week. Every member also serves in a stewardship role, which can add 45 min-3 hours per week to their duties. We also require members to attend a certain number of house meetings and educational evenings (1 hour every Sunday night). We also encourage members to help with Sunday Supper Club once per month (about 2 hours of cooking).
About once a week

Welcome to the East River Co-op, located on the University of Minnesota East Bank campus! We are a housing cooperative comprised of both student and non-student members. We share a big kitchen, large common spaces, a few bathrooms, and a garden. We hold in common respect: each other, those who may seem different from ourselves and the natural world.
Built in 1908, the Students’ Cooperative building is a contributing property to the Fraternity Row Historic District and is the second oldest chapter house remaining on University Avenue at the University of Minnesota. Psi Upsilon Fraternity originally commissioned and inhabited the house. The building was converted into a housing cooperative in the early 1940s and has been that way ever since.
We are an intentional community based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. We share labor, resources, and knowledge to dismantle oppressive systems and create a safe and supportive home.
Maintenance: 12 hours per semester. Chores: 45 minutes per week. Every member also serves in a stewardship role, which can add 45 min-3 hours per week to their duties. We also require members to attend a certain number of house meetings and educational evenings (1 hour every Sunday night). We also encourage members to help with Sunday Supper Club once per month (about 2 hours of cooking).
About once a week