NASCO Institute 2015

History of Group Equity Housing Cooperatives - NASCO Institute

Session materials from “History of Group Equity Housing Cooperatives,” presented by Jim Jones at NASCO Institute 2016.


This session will cover a history of group housing cooperatives in North America. It will take a look at both student and community based cooperatives, starting in 1873 and continuing to the present. Questions we will address include: How did we all get here? Why aren't there co-ops like ours in other countries? What events in our country have influenced and affected our cooperatives?

Member Recruitment & Outreach (roundtable) - NASCO Institute

Session materials from "Member Recruitment & Outreach (roundtable) ," which held at NASCO Institute 2014 & 2015.


This roundtable discussion will serve as a space for participants to share their experiences in building inclusive homes and respectfully reaching out to communities that are underrepresented in their co-ops’ membership.


Additional Resources: The Fair Housing Act and Your Co-op

Creating a New Co-op - Negotiating a Master Lease - NASCO Institute

Session materials from "Creating a New Co-op - Negotiating a Master Lease," which was led by Daniel Miller (NASCO) at NASCO Institute 2014 & 2015.


Come learn how to lower your lease payments, win more autonomy for your coop, and set yourself up for growth in the future. Leasing can be good option for a new co-op to build its business history, or for an existing co-op to explore expansion. But most landlords are unfamiliar with housing co-ops, and you will need to educate and negotiate to get the best terms for your co-op.

Introduction to Consensus Decision Making - NASCO Institute

Session materials from "Introduction to Consensus Decision Making," which was led by Laird Schaub (Fellowship for Intentional Community) at NASCO Institute 2014 & 2015.


What's your worst meeting nightmare? Yelling and screaming? Participants breaking down in sobs? Sarcastic jokes? Nobody saying a word? Everyone talking at once? How about having no idea how to make things better? We'll look at all these and more. Participants are invited to bring their own consensus horror stories while the facilitator will provide the wooden stakes (and answers).