
Implementing Intentional Affordability

Session materials from "Implementing Intentional Affordability," which was led by Jeff Bessmer (Santa Barbara Student Housing Co-op) at NASCO Institute 2013.


Join a Community or Start One?

This resource was contributed by Laird Schaub for a workshop at NASCO's 2008 Cooperative Education and Training Institute.
Table of Contents
1. Pioneers vs. Settlers-Personality Profiles
2. The Queen Bee Syndrome-Challenges of Leadership
3. Location, location, location
4. Reinventing the Wheel vs. Wagging the Dog
5. Summary of Pros & Cons

NASCO Co-op Organizer's Handbook

The Organizer's Handbook is a comprehensive guide to creating group-equity housing cooperatives. By explaining the cooperative movement, campus and community organizing, nonprofit incorporation, financing, and housing development, this important resource demystifies a challenging project.

Sample Co-op Bylaws

These sample bylaw can give you an idea of some simple boilerplate language for incorporating your coop.  Of course, a coop should get these bylaws looked at before submitting them, but these should give you a good idea of what you may want to do, and let you change things where you need to do so in order to make these match your needs.