
Tools for Building Community in your Co-op

A Workshop for WestCo 2001- Eugene, Oregon
by Anjanette Bunce (former NASCO Member Services Coordinator)
Table of Contents
2  Statement of Co-operative Identity
3  Campus Co-operatives- A Brief History
4  NASCO Member Services
5  What is Community?
6  Ways to Create Community in Co-ops
7  Developing Community
11  Tips for Building Co-op Spirit

Conflict: Fight, Flight, or Opportunity?

Developed by CANBRIDGE - a process collective - (Consensus And Network Building Resolving Impasse and Developing Group Effectiveness)

Table of Contents

1. What this workshop is; what it isn’t

2. What is conflict?

3. Why work on it at all?

4. Why work in the dynamic moment?

Being an Ally

A useful handout that covers the following areas: What is an ally?; How to be an ally; and Action ideas and tips