Newest Resources

Urban Impacts of Student Co-ops - Video

Laurent Levesque of l'Unité de travail pour l'implantation de logement étudiant (UTILE), discusses the positive and negative impacts that students and student co-ops have on cities, focusing on the lesser-known ways that student housing co-ops are beneficial to cities.
Learn more about UTILE here:
Recorded for the North American Students of Cooperation (NASCO) Shared Resource Library -

Student Co-ops Around the World - Video

Laurent Levesque of l'Unité de travail pour l'implantation de logement étudiant (UTILE), provides a brief survey of student cooperatives around the world.
Learn more about UTILE here:
Recorded for the North American Students of Cooperation (NASCO) Shared Resource Library -

The Importance of Communication for Cooperatives - Video

Laurent Levesque of l'Unité de travail pour l'implantation de logement étudiant (UTILE), discusses the importance of communication for ensuring the success an organization, using UTILE's experience as a model.
Learn more about UTILE here:
Recorded for the North American Students of Cooperation (NASCO) Shared Resource Library -