Newest Resources

When it Hits the Fan: Preparing for the Worst - NASCO Institute

Session materials from "When it Hits the Fan: Preparing for the Worst," presented by Alex Green at NASCO Institute 2015.


Owning a home is a lot of responsibility, especially when you’re trying to build a community with so many co-opers. Crises sometimes seem to be popping up around every corner. This workshop aims to prepare you for these unexpected twists in cooperative living. We will not only discuss the different emergencies that can surface in a cooperative house but also how to prepare for and respond to them.

Creating a New Co-op - Budgets & Feasibility - NASCO Institute

Session materials from "Creating a New Co-op - 4 - Budgets & Feasibility," presented by Mark Fick at NASCO Institute 2015.


A development budget is a powerful tool for shaping your co-op's vision. Learn how to understand the development budget for your new co-op, to present that budget to lenders or other partners, and use the budget to look at your co-op's options. Do not fear the spreadsheets! They are your friend!

Getting Tax Exemption - NASCO Institute

Session materials from "Getting Tax Exemption," presented by David "Rosebud" Sparer at NASCO Institute 2016.


What does it mean to be a "nonprofit"? What are the benefits and drawbacks of 501c3 status and other tax exemptions for co-ops? Is it worth it? We will discuss the systems of nonprofit incorporation, federal tax exemption, and local tax exemptions. We will also cover the 501c3 application (IRS Form 1023) in detail.

Creating a New Co-op - Incorporation & Bylaws - NASCO Institute

Session materials from "Creating a New Co-op - 3 - Incorporation & Bylaws," presented by Corrigan Nadon-Nichols at NASCO Institute 2015.


Incorporation is the process of making your co-op a legal entity which can own property, take out loans, and enter into contracts. But there are often many choices that can stymie a group's progress: Corporation or LLC? Which tax-exemptions do we want? We will discuss the why and how of incorporating a co-op, with particular attention to creating bylaws for the new organizations.